An Overview of Dopamine

“I tell everyone: ‘I am not my disease. I am a person with Parkinson’s, and I aim to live life fully.’ For me, it’s all about giving back. How can I leave the world a shade more beautiful?” Barbara Salsberg Mathews

“Before, when I was asked about my condition, I would go into defence mode. But now I’m comfortable saying: ‘I have Parkinson’s – and this is what it looks like.’” Caitlin Nagy

Introduction: Again, all of the quotes used in this blog post are by people with Parkinson’s. On a recent search, I found this article highlighting comments/quotes/stories from various people with Parkinson’s: “23 powerful quotes about Parkinson’s disease,” written by Sarah McGrath. Definitely check it out; reading it is worth your time (click here ).

“I didn’t want to feel sorry for myself. I just wanted to be the liveliest dude with Parkinson’s in the world.” Walter J Archey III

The Story Continues: Recently, I posted a blog entitled “A Brief Introduction to Parkinson’s Disease” as an Introduction to Parkinson’s disease (click here to read the blog post). This is based on the notion that a book I could write would be helpful, educational, and timely. I am stubborn enough to commit the time to write such a book, but would it be a useful publication? The idea would be to write ~2-page chapters on many aspects of Parkinson’s, ranging from biochemistry, physiology, pharmacology, some medical aspects, treatment strategies, managing life with Parkinson’s, and so forth. And combine words with images to describe each topic.

It seemed logical to me that the next chapter should involve an Inroduction to dopamine Any comments (both positive and negative) would be most constructive as I continue thinking and developing the idea.

“Find activities that do you good. There’s no point spending time doing something you don’t enjoy.” Janette Sinclair

The Next Chapter is About Dopamine; To download “An Overview of Dopamine” in JPEG format, please go here :
Click here for page 1
Click here for page 2

To download the 2-page “An Overview of Dopamine” in PDF format, please go here: Click here for pages 1-2

“An opportunity for an abundant life while living with Parkinson’s fuels me to continue advocating and speaking for those who are no longer able to do so.” Dr. Maria De León

Cover Photo Image by kien virak from Pixabay

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