A Brief Description of Parkinson’s Disease

“Parkinson’s can be the wake-up call to transform yourself into a better person.” John Baumann

“No matter what science can do for people living with Parkinson’s, we must prepare our brain and body to face all difficulties.” Nikolas Koukoulakis

Introduction: All of the quotes used in this blog post are by people with Parkinson’s. On a recent search, I found this article highlighting comments/quotes/stories from various people with Parkinson’s: “23 powerful quotes about Parkinson’s disease,” written by Sarah McGrath. Definitely check it out; it is worth your time to read it (click here ).

“Many people know what Parkinson’s looks like… but not the mental anguish it can cause, and the darkest moments we go through.” Guy Deacon

A Collection of Thoughts: Since retiring, I have been trying to find what drives me, what commitments I still have, and what the next project area I need to devote time to besides the blog post you are reading and the occasional peer-reviewed article published in various journals.

“While I wouldn’t wish a Parkinson’s diagnosis on anyone, it has brought with it gifts that I’m truly grateful for.” Jo Yaldren

Of course, I worry: Do I have the time to commit to something like writing a book? A book about me would be pretty dull, but a book about Parkinson’s might be okay, as told from my viewpoint. That is where my thoughts are currently on the matter.

To this end, I have a working outline of a Table of Contents for such a book. My initial idea is to write concise, 1-2 pages long chapters with text and graphics. The book, as it stands, would contain sections on the Biomedical Science of Parkinson’s, Complementary and Integrative Medicine of Parkinson’s, Living with Parkinson’s, and The Future of Parkinson’s. Any funds from the sales of such a book would be returned to my non-profit organization for use in a developing project area.

“Stories can connect with people in a way that facts and scientific reports can’t.” Christine Jeyachandran

A Start to the Story: Below is an Introduction to Parkinson’s disease (“A Brief Description of Parkinson’s Disease”), likely Chapter 1 of the book. Any comments (both positive and negative) would be most constructive as I continue thinking and developing the idea.

To download “A Brief Description of Parkinson’s Disease” in JPEG format, please go here :
Click here for page 1
Click here for page 2

To download the 2-page “A Brief Description of Parkinson’s Disease” in PDF format, please go here: Click here for pages 1-2

“Just as people are becoming more open to talking about mental health, I think being more open to talking about Parkinson’s is a good thing. There is no shame attached to it.” Mark Mardell

Cover Photo Image by holgerheinze0 from Pixabay

4 Replies to “A Brief Description of Parkinson’s Disease”

  1. Stewart, you described my exact dilemma. If I commit to writing such a book, who’s the best person to read or who would want to read this book? I like my narrative voice, describing things in my own way; although the readers of the blog like the more straightforward wording of my basic science. You made me laugh with the comment that the book would be ~15 pages long. I appreciate your honest appraisal, thanks,!


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