Journey With Parkinson’s: Everyday Heroes

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Reeve

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” Carol Lynn Pearson

Nothing is redeemable about Parkinson’s, but each Person-with-Parkinson’s (PwP) has redeemable qualities.
They awake each new day to a mystery of motor- and non-motor-related circumstances. They live each day through a Parkinson’s cloud.
Their microcosm contains the critical ingredients for survival, including a spouse/partner, family, and loved ones, and it is held together by a collection of lifetime memories.
They skillfully navigate life to show all PwP the need for determination and strength.
Their perseverance and ability to survive/thrive make them everyday heroes.

Nothing is graceful about Parkinson’s, but each PwP has grace.
They have unexplained movements and moments.
They have unknowing breaks with reality and vivid dreams.
They have uncontrolled responses, yet they still have their minds and bodies.
Their constant effort shows other PwP that they remain themselves amid Parkinson’s.
This constant battle against Parkinson’s makes them everyday heroes.

Nothing is mind-boggling about Parkinson’s, yet each typically has an intact and lucid mind regardless of the difficulty expressing themselves.
Memories are there; however, they are challenged each day by Parkinson’s.
The disorder is robbing them of freedom and their daily life plans.
Parkinson’s is trying to get them to sit, not move, and lay their lives still.
By contrast, PwP move, exercise, get their heart rate up, and continue to resist.
Our disorder goes from our eyelids to our toes, yet we remain committed to working through each obstacle and symptom.
These are our everyday heroes of Parkinson’s.

There are additional behind-the-scenes everyday heroes.
We salute the Care Partners, family members, loved ones, and friends/colleagues.
Your caring, work, knowledge, patience, and devotion must be applauded.
This became your journey reluctantly.
You joined this journey because of love and loyalty.
Your strength and resolve are evident.
Your life force exudes a sphere of protection and caring over your PwP.
You are very much of an everyday hero in helping your PwP.

In our laboratories and companies stand others dedicating their time to solving the mystery of Parkinson’s.
Healthcare providers, nurses, physical therapists, and social workers commit their time to PwP in our clinics.
In our retirement communities and hospices, others are here to soothe old wounds and make life as good as possible.
Collectively, these are another group of everyday heroes committed to helping PwP and their families better accept and adapt to their daily lives, manage as best they can, and excel whenever possible.

It takes persistence and hope to live in the presence of Parkinson’s.
It takes stamina and patience to be the Care partner of someone with Parkinson’s.
It takes dedication to help promote a better life for someone with Parkinson’s.
Each scenario provides the premise committed to being healthier, living better, and enabling a PwP, respectively.
As described above, they are everyday heroes.

To download a copy of “Everyday Heroes,” please click here.

True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.” Arthur Ashe

“How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!” Maya Angelou

“Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul.” Michel de Montaigne

Cover Photo Image by Lee Watts from Pixabay

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